Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Santa Clause comes late to UBC Law

The $6,000,000 contribution by the Law Foundation should be a great step forward for our new building. Too bad that we won't see any benefits of it during our time here. Let's just hope that when they actually start building, they'll make sure to do a good job and not try cutting costs in every possible way, a strategy that would probably just result in an outdated building by the time construction is finished.

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Pretentious Night Out

Continuing in the holiday spirit, we decided to party it up at the beginning of the new school year by going out for a pretentious dinner, dressed in finery and acting as if we truly could afford it whilst making sure to order the cheapest bottle of wine on the menu.

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Celebrating End of Exams with some Melodious Singing

With the stress of December exams over and done with, there's nothing better than a nice dinner out and some fabulous singing at a local Kareokee Bar. Unfortunately the pictures don't record the amazing sounds we heard that night.

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