Sunday, October 30, 2005

HALLOWEEN - or the night from HELL!

Hey everyone -

Well, normally this would be the time were all the photos would be going up on the blog - and that was the whole intention. I had 562 photos taken last night - definitively clicker happy - but the costumes sure were worth it. Plus I had shots of the guy falling through the window at the Freemasons Hall (and hence putting our night to a pre-mature end) as well as all the cop cars outside.

However, one very kind and caring person at my house reformatted my memory card last night. The shots were there cause I checked how many I had and who the individual was that shattered the glass. I set the camera down in my kitchen and then passed out. Well - today in the morning as I was about to upload them - my memory card total is a whooping ZERO. Some fu**er deleated everything off of it - either as a joke or as an accident - I technically don't care cause all the shots are gone.

So anyone please - if you have any photos from that night (cause I'd like to at least have one photo of myself in a costume) - please get in touch with me - we can transfer them onto my memory chip and I'll upload them. Email will just reduce the quality so that's not a good idea.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - if you have photos get in touch with me. Pass this on to others that may have had photos.


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