Sunday, November 20, 2005

The RHINOS First Rugby Game!!!!!!

Some statistics:

Number of years Rhions have been in existence: 1.5
Number of players who had prior rugby experieince: 3-4
Number of games played together (prior to this): 0
Score (complete and absolute guess): 0 - 50+
Number of bloody noses: 1
Number of stepped on faces: 1 (theirs)
Number of punches thrown: probably more than permissible
Amount of effort put in: immeasurable
Value of this experience: PRICELESS

Well... maybe the score doesn't show it, but we sure do feel like we won! The RHINOS kicked some but out there. We weren't scared, we didn't run (unless it was after them) nor did we duck. We went right through the center taking everything they threw at us. Had the wind knocked out of us, got stepped on, got scratched, got shoved, got lifted and thrown, got bloody noses... well.. essentially got our asses wooped! And yet we had fun!

It was a great learning experience and all of us can't wait for the next opportunity to roll around in the mud and clobber complete strangers that most of the time are twice our size (and be clobbered by them)! What more can you desire!

So if you weren't there this time round... come out to our future games in the spring semester!

Kasia and the RHINOS!

PS: look out for the "Mercy Club" in the hallways of the law buidling!

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